Act No. 4-1985 does not grant the OCFI any power to deal with complaints filed against the following entities:
You may file your complaint in one of two ways, namely:
Personally at our offices:
Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions
Centro Europa Building-Suite 600
1492 Ave. Ponce de Leon
(in front of the Fine Arts Center)
San Juan Puerto Rico 00907
By mail:
Commissioner of Financial Institutions
Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions
PO Box 11855
San Juan PR 00910-3855
By line:
Click the next linking
This may vary from case to case. Let's see.
Act No. 38 of June 30, 2017, as amended, better known as”Uniform Administrative Procedure Act of the Government of Puerto Rico” (“Law 38-2017”) requires administrative agencies to comply with certain fundamental requirements and rules of the procedural rules in an award proceeding, with the purpose of ensuring equitable solutions in a quick, fair and economic manner for the parties to the dispute.
The administrative procedure provides for due process of law that involves terms that the agency must grant to the parties to answer, provide documentation and file the corresponding appeal or action, so depending on them, the final award may vary from case to case.
The controversies presented in complaints filed with the OCFI, in most cases, require technical analysis in specialized areas, which, depending on the case, may take time. In the same way, no case is the same as another, even if they have similarities or involve the same institution or issue.
In addition, the OCFI, as part of its ministerial duty, must verify whether the complaint and the documents submitted and evaluated reveal violations of law on the part of the defendants, which may result in sanctions against them. The OCFI, during the processing of the above-mentioned complaint, must comply with the provisions of Law 38-2017, which governs the award procedures carried out by administrative agencies on matters under their jurisdiction. In addition, it must comply with the provisions of Regulation 9551. A person who voluntarily submits to the administrative award procedure before the OCFI accepts and must comply with the pace of the complaint process.
Expedited Procedure for Seniors. When the claimant is a senior citizen, the final order or decision of the OCFI must be issued within forty-five (45) days after the conclusion of the hearing or after factual determinations and conclusions of law are issued, unless this term is waived or extended with the written consent of all parties. If a claimant is an elderly person, he must notify him in his claim so that the OCFI can proceed with the expedited procedure.
You can't:
In accordance with Law 38-2017, known as the “Uniform Administrative Procedure Act of the Government of Puerto Rico” and Regulation 9551, known as the “Regulations of Award Procedures Under the Jurisdiction of the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions”, every complaint must contain the following information:
Once a complaint is received that meets all these requirements, the OCIF is empowered to address the matter raised by the complainant. (Failing that, we are prevented from initiating the procedure until everyone is complied with.)
Act No. 4-1985 defines a financial institution as one of the following: