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Transparency Act
Request for Public Information Act No. 141-2019
Act No. 141-2019, known as the “Transparency and Expedited Procedure Act for Access to Public Information” (Act 141-2019), aims to provide easy access to public information, promote an unequivocal culture of openness in the efforts of the Government of Puerto Rico, establish a proactive policy on accountability to citizens, discourage acts of corruption or unethical acts, promote citizen participation and establish clear, agile and economic rules and principles for the full exercise of the right of access to public information. In accordance with the public policy enacted by Act 141-2019, the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions (OCFI) has the duty to periodically disclose on its official website information about its operation, as well as the execution and control of delegated functions.

In light of the above, and as part of the obligations established by Act 141-2019, the OCFI publishes monthly reports on the number of requests received under the Act, as well as the type of information requested and their status. These reports are available in the public notices section of the official OCIF website.

The OCFI Information Officers designated to respond to requests for information are:

1. Pedro Gerena Rodríguez, esq.
2. Cristina Ríos Mena, esq.
3. Damaris Mendoza Román, esq.
Process for Requesting Information

Any Person (hereinafter, the “Petitioner”) may request public information without the need to prove any particular or legal interest. Public information must be requested in writing or electronically. It is required that, at a minimum, the request contain the following information:

  1. Your full name, physical address, mailing address, email, and telephone number. If the Petitioner is a legal entity, the title of the natural person making the request on behalf of the legal entity, and a certification that such natural person acts in such a way on behalf of the legal entity, shall be included.
  2. A description of the public information you want to obtain. The requested public information will be described in detail, in such a way as to allow it to be found.
  3. The format in which you want to obtain public information (e.g., PDF, paper or just inspection) and the means of delivery (e.g., email, regular mail to a postal address or collect information personally at the OCFI).

Those interested in submitting a request for public information under Act 141-2019 can write an email to the OCFI Information Officers at: peticionley141@ocif.pr.gov

If you send the request for public information by mail, the address is as follows:

OCFI Information Officers
PO Box 11855
San Juan, PR 00910-3855

Access to public information provided electronically will be at no cost to the Petitioner. However, the issuance of simple or certified copies, recordings, reproductions and/or sending by regular mail will be subject to the payment of corresponding fees and fees. Access to public information will be made electronically, unless this is not possible or if the Petitioner has requested another means of disclosure.

It is important for the Petitioner to keep in mind that, if the Information Officers understand that the Public Information Request does not meet the essential requirements established, they must immediately return it to the Petitioner. In these cases, the request for public information will be considered not received until it is submitted in accordance with the rules established here.

For more information, you can access the following links:

  • Law 141-2019:
  • Regulations for Establishing the Rights to Pay for the Reproduction of Documents, Printed Materials and Certifications of the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions, No. 6585: Link.
  • Monthly Report Act No. 141-2019